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Christy Lundy


Christy is a wife, mother of 3 school-age children, fitness enthusiast, and leader of the Pinamonti Lundy Group. When she’s not working with her team or spending time with her family, you can find her at the gym, or volunteering with her Girl Scout troop, Cub Scout pack, or at her children’s school.


Going from a solo agent to building a team is tough and filled with uncertainty. I built upon the success I had in my first year in real estate in 2014, and if I can do it, anyone can. I’ve been a teacher and mentor in various capacities throughout my adult life, and combining those experiences with my real estate experience make me an excellent coach! With my partner, Angela, we have built a team of 5 agents and have consistently increased our production year over year while creating more free time and having fun!

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